
International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Economy & Society

Have you published a book within the past two years? Do you have one coming out?


Have you published a book within the past two years? Do you have one coming out? The ISA and RC02 can help as a matchmaker between your book and prospective readers.

First, we warmly recommend you to fill in this form to have your book listed on the ISA website. Please do so regardless of which language your book is published in, and across any topic of sociology.

Secondly, if your book engages with an economic topic, please also send the details to our RC02 Secretary, Dustin Stoltz (dss219@lehigh.edu), who will find ways to highlight your book on the RC02 website and/or in our biannual newsletter.

Thirdly, if you believe that your book (or a chapter) would be of interest to the public, our VP, Karen Shire (karen.shire@uni-duisburg-essen.de) is spearheading a relationship between RC02 and the Public (Economic) Sociology website, Work In Progress. Please email her your proposal for publicizing your research findings and she will help determine how to craft your idea so that it becomes well-read.

RC02 is here to help advance your findings and knowledge. If you have additional ideas on how to publicize your work, please reach out to me (Aaron.Pitluck@IllinoisState.edu).

Aaron Pitluck

New research on contested development planning in Brazil & Latin America

Call for Doctoral Student Interns for Socio-Economic Review (online experience). DL: 1 August 2022